۱۳۸۸ شهریور ۵, پنجشنبه
کمک پی آر تی ایتالیا به معیوبین ولایت هرات
Inauguration of Research Farm by Italian PRT in Herat Province
Realization of water reservoir pool, water well, store, guard rooms and toilet for URDO KHAN Research farm that located in Guzare district of Herat province was inaugurated by Italian PRT today
The period of the project was four months and the budget of project is around 39,000 Euro that paid by Italian PRT (Provincial Reconstruction Team) in
The government authorities and farmers participated the ceremony and thanked from Italian PRT for this help
Colonel BRANDONISIO, Italian PRT commander said in his speech that one of our main tasks to help and develop is agriculture section
It has to be mentioned that in this year Italian PRT donated 31.5 tones of saffron bulbs and fertilizers for the farmers of three districts in
Italian PRT Received A Delegation of Journalists in Herat Province.
Briefing of the PRT Commander about the PRT’s activities and projects.
Meeting with the Chief of the Herat Provincial Council, Dr. Homayoon AZIZI
Dr. AZIZI gave some information about the recent afghan elections for the
About one million of people have been registered for the elections
The security condition in
- meeting with the Provincial Deputy Chief of the Afghan National Police, Col. Delawar SHAH, inside the Provincial ANP Head Quarter in
- visit of the new pediatric
meeting with Brig. Gen. Abdul Majeed SADIQUI, General Commander of Western Zone Jails, and visit of the new Female Correctional Centre (built by PRT in 2009). Actually inside it there are 107 female prisoners with 95 children.
۱۳۸۸ شهریور ۳, سهشنبه
Italian PRT Donated ANP in Herat Province

Today the PRT team has met the Chief of the Regional Command of ANP, Gen. EKRAMUDDIN YAWAR, in Guzara District.
The PRT Commander, Col. Michele Brandonisio, and the CIMIC PRT Commander, Cap. Manuel Solastri, have carried a photocopy machine, the gift have been kindly provided by Italian PRT. In the afternoon, in “
۱۳۸۸ مرداد ۲۷, سهشنبه
Donation of Italian PRT For Women and Children
During the ceremony the women and children appreciated the PRT donation.
It has to be mentioned that the aid has provided by the Italian NGO “ASSOCIAZIONE DELLA CONFRATERNITA DELLA MISERICORDIA DI GELLO”.
۱۳۸۸ مرداد ۲۶, دوشنبه
Inauguration of Projects By Italian PRT in Herat Province.
The Emam Shish Noor road (
In that occasion there was also the inauguration of the project for the positioning of about
During his speech the PRT Commander underlined that this 2 projects will be of great help to local population and since 2005 the Italians invest their energies to allow, at the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, the improving of the inhabitant’s life conditions, always respecting the culture, the traditions and the religion of the Afghan People.
۱۳۸۸ مرداد ۲۵, یکشنبه
کمک پی آر تی ایتالیا به مرکز ژورنالیزم افغان در هرات
پی آر تی ایتالیا عصر امروز یکشنبه یکمقدار لوازم کامپیوتری را به مرکز ژورنالیزم افغان در هرات مساعدت نمود.
این کمک ها شامل سه عدد کامپیوتر با تمام امکانات میباشد که از سوی دگروال براندونیسیو قمندان پی آر تی ایتالیا به آقای امام محمد وریماچ مسئول مرکز ژورنالیزم افغان تحویل داده شد.
در محفل که به همین منظور در مقر این مرکز برگزار شده بود رئیس مرکز ژورنالیزم افغان از مسئولین تیم پی آر تی ایتالیا بخاطر این مساعدت قدردانی نمود و این کمک ها را در رشد و پیشرفت فعالیت های ژورنالستان هرات مفید خواند.
گفته ایست که قبلا نیز پی آر تی ایتالیا همچو کمک ها را به مراکز حمایت از خبرنگاران. سفما و مرکز ژورنالستان جوان در هرات مساعدت نموده بود.
Italian PRT Donated Women Vocational Training Center
Today the PRT team has visited the
The PRT Commander, Col. Michele Brandonisio, and the PRT CIMIC Centre Commander, Cap. Manuel Solastri, have carried and handed out several humanitarian aid for women and their children. The gifts have been kindly provided by Italian textile industry, Calzedonia Group, that has provided many female and infancy suits to be distributed between women and their children. In detail, there have been dispensed short and long-sleeves sweaters and pajamas, together with many other accessories. Besides this, in the meantime the PRT through his sanitary personnel has carried on some medical visits. During last months the Slovenian delegate belonging to PRT has provided various equipments to develop handicraft job of women inside the center, besides a Zarang for logistic transport: within today a further important contribution from the Italian Reconstruction Provincial Team for the women of the Province.
۱۳۸۸ مرداد ۲۲, پنجشنبه
کمک پی آر تی ایتالیا به دهقانان زعفران کار هرات.
پی آر تی ایتالیا یکمقدار پیاز زعفران و کودکیمیاوی را امروز به دهقانان سه ولسوالی ولایت هرات مساعدت نمود
این کمک ها شامل 18 تون پیاز زعفران و 13.5 تون کود کیمیاوی میباشد که با هزینه 46500 یورو از سوی پی آر تی ایتالیا خریداری و برای دهاقین ولسوالی های شندن. ادرسکن و کشک رباط سنگی توضیح گردید.
بشیر احمد احمدی مدیر عمومی ترویج ریاست زراعت ولایت هرات می گوید که این مواد برای 300 تن از دهاقین که دست از کشت مواد مخدر کشیدند توضیح میگردد.
وی افزود هم اکنون در ولایت هرات 212 هکتار زمین زیر کشت زعفران قرار دارد و امید میرود که در سال جاری دهقانان بتوانند 1000 کیلو گرام زعفران را از این زمینها بدست آورند.
دگروال براندونیسیو قمندان پی آر تی ایتالیا در محفل توضیح این کمک ها آرزو برد تا دهاقین بتوانند با استفاده از این مواد در رشد و پیشرفت بخش زراعتی شان توصیه ببخشند.
قابل یادآوریست که پی آر تی ایتالیا در سال گذشته نیز 18 تون پیاز زعفران را برای دهاقین هرات مساعدت نمود.
۱۳۸۸ مرداد ۱۹, دوشنبه
PRT Commander Visited Governor of Herat Province.

Today the PRT team have met the Governor of Herat, Dr. Ahmad Yousof NOORESTANI, in
The PRT Commander, Col. Michele Brandonisio, and the CIMIC PRT Commander, Cap. Manuel Solastri, have carried a coupon of 25000 lt. fuel to support the Governor and his staff with the purpose to check the polling stations and establish more communication with the people in remote areas of all fifteen Districts of the Province.
۱۳۸۸ مرداد ۱۸, یکشنبه
کمک پی آر تی ایتالیا به پرورشگاه ولایت هرات
یکبار دیگر پی آر تی ایتالیا پرورشگاه خواجه عبدالله انصاری ولایت هرات را مساعدت نمود.
این کمک ها شامل لوازم بازی و ورزشی میباشد که برای پنجصد تن از یتیمان دختر و پسر این پرورشگاه توزیع خواهد شد .
در محفل توضیح این کمک ها دگروال براندونیسیو قمندان پی آر تی ایتالیا نیز پنج دانه بخاری را جهت رفع مشکلات این پرورشگاه کمک نمود.
قمندان پی آر تی ایتالیا آرزو برد تا شاگردان این مکان بتوانند در آینده خدمتگزار این ملت باشند.
شاگردان این پرورشگاه نیز از پی آر تی ایتالیا بخاطر این مساعدت قدردانی نمودند.
در همین حال صد تن از شاگردان این پرورشگاه از سوی داکتران پی آر تی ایتالیا تداوی و برایشان دوا توضیح گردید .
۱۳۸۸ مرداد ۱۷, شنبه
PRT Commander Visited Female Correction Center in Herat Province.
Today the PRT Commander, Col. Michele Brandonisio, the Cimic Centre Commander Cap. Manuel Solastri, together with their guest Mr. Roberto Faccani, Manager of Civil Protection of Bassa Romagna, have visited the
The general project was conducted under supervision of Italian PRT and financed for 80% by the European Union and remaining 20% from Italian Ministry of Defence. The project was realized trough three principal steps:
- building of the infrastructure;
- supply of equipments (furniture, computers, printing, etc.);
- training of personnel.
The building, a female jail fitted to lodge 80 prisoners, has been realized inside
The project of new female prison is aimed to improve the life’s quality of children, that often live with imprisoned mothers inside the jail, and the quality of relationships among prisoners themselves.
The PRT Commander, Col. Michele Brandonisio, and the CIMIC PRT Commander, Cap. Manuel Solastri, have carried and handed out several humanitarian aid for the imprisoned women and their children, besides furnishing carpets to the whole structure for an amount of 7.200 euro. During the visit Mr. Faccani had the opportunity of appreciating the modernity of the structure, and planned to develop in a short time a set of solidarity projects, for example a shoes’ supply for imprisoned women and their children, so as the equipment of both male and female correctional centre’s ambulatories with beds, electrocardiograph, medical examination’s lamps. Mr. Faccani has also agreed about the possibility to provide the pediatric hospital, that he visited yesterday, with a one year supply of powder milk, lactic ferments and poli-vitaminic products.