Italian PRT distributed 24,000 ornamental saplings for farmers of Kohsan and Ghorian districts and also for Herat city.
۱۳۸۸ بهمن ۱۹, دوشنبه
Distribution of Ornamental Saplings by Italian PRT For Farmers of Herat Province.
Italian PRT distributed 24,000 ornamental saplings for farmers of Kohsan and Ghorian districts and also for Herat city.
۱۳۸۸ بهمن ۱۸, یکشنبه
Inauguration of Health Clinic by Italian PRT in Kushk Rabot Sangee District of Herat Province
Yesterday at 00:30 PM, took place the opening ceremony of one between the many projects that Italian PRT realized in Herat’s province.
The PRT took up the project for a Basic Health Center in the village of Yeka Darakht in Koshke Rabat Sangi., requested by the local authorities, in this instance by the Director of PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT, in order to improve an area where same health facilities exist but unsuitable and insufficient (Chahar Dara Health Clinic). An aspect of this planning is the care of the orientation of the building, according to the local dispositions and traditions. For this purpose, the Basic Health Center makes good use of the limitations involved by the arrangement by separating the rooms along a central corridor, that connect the main entrance with the area open to the public (Waiting room, Registration, Administration, toilet) and the area for the medical services (Health Nutrition, Vaccination, Examination and Mother Care, Delivery Room, Sterilization Room, Pharmacia and Storage).
The project, that has a cost of € 71.551, was constituted by a structure made up of pillars and beams in reinforced concrete and walls of solid baked bricks of the traditional local type. The inner side will be coated with plaster so as to be proper for the purpose. The foundations are made up of plinths in reinforced concrete and continuous stonewalls below the beams connecting the pillars. The roofing belongs to the flat type in reinforced concrete. The ceiling is 3.20 metres above the floor in all the rooms except for the area near the main entrance, for those the ceiling is 4.50 metres above the floor.
The health center has one well for drinking water and an external volume for the latrines provided with a sewage system. As there is no urban drainage system to connect to, the solution proposed, in conformity with the local system normally used, is a tank to be periodically emptied (septic tank).Moreover, considering that the site is not provide with a sewers to connect the system of septic tank, the local systems normally in use seems to be the best solution: it consist in a close big septic tank that will be drain with a defined periodicity. The complex is completed, besides the main building, by other two volumes, one for the caretaker and other for the electric generator and the main switch board. The Italian Representation were composed by the PRT Commander, Col. Claudio Dei and Project Officer Cpt Beatrice MICOVILOVICH.
Inauguration of School by Italian PRT in Kushk Rabot Sangee District of Herat Province
Herat, February the 07th 2010
Yesterday at 11:00 AM, took place the opening ceremony of one between the many projects that Italian PRT realized in Herat’s province. The PRT took up the project for a 10 classroom school in Khelvak village – Koshe Rabat Sangi District, requested by the local authorities, in this instance by the Director of Herat Education Department, in order to improve the poor number of educational infrastructures nowadays present into the District. The project, that has a cost of € 122.943, was constituted by to a quadrangular plan building on one floor levels of 800 sqm, according the standard typology imposed by the Education Ministry.The classroom are developed along a central corridor, to simplify route and, eventually, building new classroom for students increase.All around is build up a brick masonry surrounding wall with inside playground, latrine building, generator rooms and external sewage system.
Concerning the structure, the building is made up of pillars and beams in reinforced concrete and walls of solid baked bricks of the traditional local type. The inner sides will be coated with plaster, so as to be proper for the purpose. The foundations are made up of plinths in reinforced concrete and continuous stonewalls below the beams connecting the pillars. The floor will have to be higher at least 15 cm than the ground level.The building has a well for water supply and is provided of an external sewage system. As there is no urban drainage system to connect to, the solution proposed, in conformity with the local system normally used, is a tank to be periodically cleaned out.The Italian Representation were composed by the PRT Commander, Col. Claudio Dei and Project Officer Cpt Beatrice MICOVILOVICH.
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