Today at
The project that has started today concerns the realization of new sewage canal in Mahal Mohmand Ha, in
In detail the project, that had a cost of 20.937 Euro is composed by following works: excavation by setting, supply and laying in work of a base in PCC, supplying and laying in work of the canal in stones with mortar of lime and cement M 150, bottom of the canal in smooth PCC and cover in RCC with reinforcing bars placed on two RCC bases with reinforcing bars too. (Geometric design of canal section is shown in attached drawing.
The Italian Representation was composed by the PRT Commander, Col. Claudio Dei and the PRT CIMIC.C Commander, Lt. Col. Fabrizio Zacchè. Local Authorities, constituted by H.E. Dr. Ahmad Yusuf NURISTANI the governor of Herat province and Mr. Salim Traki, Major of Herat City, have shown as ever, their appreciation for both Italian Contingent’s and Civil Military Cooperation does perform.
All the local representatives have thanked Italian PRT for the extraordinary contribution to their Country’s reconstruction, with truly and deep appreciation words for Italian military’s operate in cooperation activities.
From the beginning of November 2009 until today, PRT has developed five project, which are still on going, in the ROADS/INFRASTRUCTURAL sector for a total amount of 254.405 euro and two projects more are still in the tendering phase for an amount of 448.930 euro.
For year 2010 the PRT is going to realize
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