۱۳۸۸ آذر ۱, یکشنبه

New Security System For Herat Governor Office by Italian PRT

Herat, November the 21st 2009.

Today at 4 PM, took place the ceremony of one between the many projects that Italian PRT is realizing in Herat’s province. The CIMIC Center was requested to take up the project by the local authorities, in particular by the Governor of District of Heart, in order to realize a new security system and of a new lightening system for external of the Herat Governor’s Office in Herat City- 1st District.

In detail the project, that has a cost of 46.264 Euro, is constituted by following works.

A new electric line is connect with the existing main electric line; the main line and the secondary line (to each pole) are totally underground and protect by pipes of flexible material with rigid rings.

The new security system is based on digital technology and the main line is optical fibre line. The data, from the cameras (type fixed, with night visor and led infrared), arrive across the optical fibre line and the Rack box to the servers of the control room where there are some monitors and there they are archive. The poles for the cameras are the same of the new lightening system; the only difference is the horizontal steel support for camera.

Control room is into the central part of the building, like recommended by the Local Authority; the room is preview to be in the highest floor; the cost considered is correct both external installation and also for internal installation (the cost include every other charge to have the whole work done as by the project drawings and according to the directions of the Project Officer).

The area of Herat Governor’s Office has (on main front) three gate: besides the installation of three cameras, will be also some concrete obstacles prefabricated, like “Jersey”, with at least 2 steel ring in upper part to connect them between a steel chain.

۱۳۸۸ آبان ۳۰, شنبه

New Sewage Canal by Italian PRT in Herat Province

Herat, 21 November 2009.

Today at 09AM, took place the laying of the foundation stone ceremony of one between the many projects that Italian PRT is realizing in Herat’s province.

The project that has started today concerns the realization of new sewage canal in Mahal Mohmand Ha, in Herat Down Town.

In detail the project, that had a cost of 20.937 Euro is composed by following works: excavation by setting, supply and laying in work of a base in PCC, supplying and laying in work of the canal in stones with mortar of lime and cement M 150, bottom of the canal in smooth PCC and cover in RCC with reinforcing bars placed on two RCC bases with reinforcing bars too. (Geometric design of canal section is shown in attached drawing.

The Italian Representation was composed by the PRT Commander, Col. Claudio Dei and the PRT CIMIC.C Commander, Lt. Col. Fabrizio Zacchè. Local Authorities, constituted by H.E. Dr. Ahmad Yusuf NURISTANI the governor of Herat province and Mr. Salim Traki, Major of Herat City, have shown as ever, their appreciation for both Italian Contingent’s and Civil Military Cooperation does perform.

All the local representatives have thanked Italian PRT for the extraordinary contribution to their Country’s reconstruction, with truly and deep appreciation words for Italian military’s operate in cooperation activities.

From the beginning of November 2009 until today, PRT has developed five project, which are still on going, in the ROADS/INFRASTRUCTURAL sector for a total amount of 254.405 euro and two projects more are still in the tendering phase for an amount of 448.930 euro.

For year 2010 the PRT is going to realize 5 Km of asphalted roads, 6,5 Km of sewerage system, 30 Km of water pipeline, all in Herat City, for a total estimated amount of about € 2.150.000 euro

ASPHALT ROAD By Italian PRT in Herat

Herat, November the 18th 2009.

Today at 09AM, has been organized the Opening Ceremony of one between the many projects that Italian PRT is realizing in Herat’s province. The project that has been concluded today was constituted by the realization of a stretch of an asphalt road (BUSINESS CENTER STREET) for a length of 260 mt (7,5 width) in Herat Down Town.

In detail the project, that had a cost of 35.658 Euro, was constituted by following works: levelling and compaction of existing sand and gravel layer, supplying and laying on the top of the sub-base layer to be covered with asphalt of 1 kg/mq of tar-coating, supply and laying in work of 15 cm of of compacted asphalt (grade of tar 55 Kg/tonn), supplying and laying of 0,5 kg/mq tar coating, supplying and laying of 7 cm of asphalt (grade 65 kg/tonn), as shown in attached drawing, and realization of new traffic signs (horizontal and vertical) for new traffic regulations following afghan standards (geometric design of road section is shown in attached drawing.

The Italian Representation was composed by the PRT Commander, Col. Claudio Dei and the PRT CIMIC.C Commander, Lt. Col. Fabrizio Zacchè. Local Authorities, constituted by H.E. Dr. Ahmad Yusuf NURISTANI the governor of Herat province and Mr. Salim Traki, Major of Herat City, have shown as ever, their appreciation for both Italian Contingent’s and Civil Military Cooperation does perform.

All the local representatives have thanked Italian PRT for the extraordinary contribution to their Country’s reconstruction, with truly and deep appreciation words for Italian military’s operate in cooperation activities.

۱۳۸۸ آبان ۲۴, یکشنبه

Stone Foundation of Conference Hall by Italian PRT in Herat Province

Today 15 November 2009 at 10 AM, took place the laying of the foundation stone ceremony of one between the many projects that Italian PRT is realizing in Herat’s province.. The CIMIC Center was requested to take up the project by the local authorities, in this instance by Heart Deputy Ministry of policy and coordination, in order to make a building for a conference hall and dining room in the Governor’s Compound in Herat City.

The typological choice has given rise to a quadrangular plan building on two floors levels of 900 sqm.

The principal structure is in armed concrete.

At the ground floor are found the entry, the dining room and all the principal services. At the first floor there is the conference hall and a meeting area over the principal services.

The structure is inserted in a pre-existing administration buildings contest, the access to the site is guaranteed from two roads respectively set to north and south of the building area.

The project will haventiriot)ce District a total cost of about 168.778 €.

The Italian Representation was composed by the ISAF Deputy Lt General Nicholas PARKER, PRT Commander, Col. Claudio Dei and the PRT CIMIC.C Commander, Lt. Col. Fabrizio Zacchè. Local Authorities, constituted by H.E. Dr. Ahmad Yusuf NURISTANI the governor of Herat province and many others have shown their appreciation for Italian Contingent’s performing in general and for Civil Military Cooperation in particular. All the local representatives have taken the opportunity to thank Italian PRT for his contribution to their Country’s reconstruction, with appreciation words that reflected their gratitude for our military’s operate in cooperation activities.

۱۳۸۸ آبان ۱۸, دوشنبه

PRT Commander Visit Saffron Assocition in Ghorian District

PRT Commander went to Ghoryan in order to visit the Ghoryan Women Saffron Association and see the results of the donation of 2000 kg of saffron bulbs that Italian PRT made on the last 27th October.

Before going to the association PRT Commander stopped to the Ghoryan District Governor. In that occasion Italian Journalist asked to the Governor some information about the saffron cultivation.

Mr. NASSIR said that the District has gotten 1084 hectares of saffron land and collect every year 1 ton of saffron. He added that about 1600-1700 people are working on saffron land. The price of saffron per Kilo is 3000$. He also said that they have many farmer who wants to receive saffron bulb and that they expect PRT Commander to cooperate with the District in this regard.

After that visit PRT Commander went to the Ghoryan Women Saffron Association and met Mrs. GHORIANY, PRT Commander introduced the Italian journalists that asked some information.

Mrs. GHORIANY said that about 92 women have gotten membership of the association. She added that other women could be tracked also if PRT could provide them saffron bulb. This year they are collecting 3 kilos of saffron. The association sold the saffron to private companies in Herat last years and it has planned to carry our crops to India this year. She said that she is giving 1$ instead of cleaning of each kilo saffron and every worker can clean 2 kilos of saffron flower per day.

۱۳۸۸ آبان ۱۷, یکشنبه

Stone Foundation of Building For ANA by Italian PRT in Herat Province

Herat, November the 8th 2009.

Today took place the laying of the foundation stone ceremony of one between the many projects that Italian PRT is realizing in Herat’s province.. The CIMIC Center has been appointed by RCW to develop and manage a former project of FSB Camp Site Management for two new small buildings for the Afghan National Army at Civil Herat Airport. The buildings will be house the personnel on duty at the airport, and will include the Headquarter offices, service rooms and a mess.

Formally, the plan is organized as a “T” shape, with the two rectangular buildings interconnected and developed on a single floor level.The offices building counts 13 rooms and services, while the main building include the HQ office, plus two more room, service spaces and the mess for 45 personnel at time.

The structure is founded on steel reinforced concrete plinths and connection beams. The elevation structure too is shaped with steel reinforced concrete beams and pillars, while all the walling, inner and outer ones are traditional bricks.The inner sides will be coated with plaster, so as to be proper for the purpose. The floor will be raised up at least 15 cm over the ground level.

The building has a well for 1 water supply and is provided of an external sewage system. As there is no urban drainage system to connect to, the solution proposed, in conformity with the local system normally used, is a tank to be periodically emptied.The project will haventiriot)ce District a total cost of about 158.430 €.

For year 2010 the PRT is going to realize 2 new police districts and 5 surrounding walls with guard rooms and water wells in Kohsan, Gulran, Adraskan, Robat Sangi and Zenda Jan, for a total estimated amount of about € 280.000.

۱۳۸۸ آبان ۱۶, شنبه

باز دید قمندان پی آر تی ایتالیا از قریه سیوشان

کار بازسازی در قریه سیوشان ولسوالی گذره هرات از سوی دفتر PRT ایتالیا آغاز شد.

قریه سیوشان ولسوالی گذره هرات که در گذشته مرکز تجمع مخالفین دولت را در حوزه غرب کشور تشکیل میداد بعد از عملیات تصفیوی نیروهای امنیتی افغان و ائتلاف از وجود مخالفین دولت پاکسازی شد و زمینه بازسازی در آن منطقه فراهم گردید.

باشنده گان قریه سیوشان ولسوالی گذره هرات میگویند مشکلات امنیتی ظرف چند سال گذشته باعث شده بود تا قریه نامبرده برای هفت سال از امورات بازسازی بدور ماند .

امروز یک هیأت متشکل از قوماندانی های امنیه و PRT ایتالیا به منطقه اعزام شدند و کار بازسازی را در قریه سیوشان گذره آغاز نمودند.

سمونوال نورخان نیکزاد سخنگوی قوماندان امنیه هرات میگوید اعمار مکاتب , سرکها و احداث پل و پلچک در قریه سیوشان, اولین اقدامیست که از سوی پی آر تی ایتالیا در عرصه بازسازی در آن منطقه صورت میگیرد.

باشنده گان قریه سیوشان ولسوالی گذره هرات از این اقدام دفتر بازسازی ولایتی PRT ایتالیا اظهار خوشحالی نمودند و خواهان تداوم پروژه های بازسازی در آن قریه شدند.

در پی راه اندازی عملیات تصفیوی نیروهای امنیتی افغان و خارجی که اخیرا" در ولسوالی گذره هرات راه اندازی شد دست کم 24 تن از مخالفین دولت کشته و درحدود 300 تن دیگرشان به دولت پیوستند.

۱۳۸۸ آبان ۱۰, یکشنبه

New Building For Antiriot Police by Italian PRT

Today took place the first stone ceremony of one between the many projects that Italian PRT is realizing in Herat’s province. The project officially started today is the construction of a new Police District (Antiriot), in the 8th District of Herat City.

The district will be divided into two floors, with a common hall placed in the middle of the building that receives daylight through a central skylight, covered with a nimble structure created by composing glasses with iron beams and plates. The project will haventiriot)ce District a total cost of about 80.000 €.

The ground floor contains the director office, with a dedicated bathroom and a secretary office, the guard office and service personnel offices, the weapons depot, separated detention rooms for male and female, common baths, kitchen with warehouse and dining room for the policemen.

The 1st floor will be assigned to restrooms, divided between male and female with separated bathrooms, plus a restroom for officers, two work offices and a small warehouse.

The police district will be complete of water tanks for about 2 cubic meters capacity, city power line connection and septic tank. The complex is completed, besides the main building, by another building with the function of watching tower and will be rounded by a surrounding wall.

he refurbishment of a buiding for ANA in Herat Civil Airport together with many other projects and donations of materials for ANA, ANP e Border Police, for a total amount of about € 2.800.000

For year 2010 the PRT is going to realize 2 new police districts and 5 surrounding walls with guard rooms and water wells in Kohsan, Gulran, Adraskan, Robat Sangi and Zenda Jan, for a total estimated amount of about € 280.000.